The Bank of East Asia

Offshore Banking Branch

Offshore Banking Branch

The introduction of Offshore Banking Branch for Taiwanese banks was a government measure to strengthen Taiwan's international financial activities, and to build up Taiwan as a regional financial centre via a variety of tax benefits and incentives to attract domestic and foreign investments.

BEA gained approval to set up an Offshore Banking Branch in Taiwan in 2002, and was authorised to provide RMB services for offshore customers in 2011. Eligible customers may be exempted from interest income tax, profit tax, business tax, stamp duty, and more, and are not subject to foreign exchange regulations. Enjoy enhanced flexibility when investing overseas or expanding your trading business.

Offshore Banking Unit (OBU)

Scope of Business

  1. Trade finance
  2. Foreign Currency Loans
    • Working capital loan
    • Cross-strait financing
    • Syndicated loan
  3. Other Offshore Finance
    • Inward remittance
    • Outward remittance
    • Foreign exchange deposits
  4. Renminbi Services 

For more information, please contact:

Enquiry Hotline: (886 2) 8161 2888
Facsimile: (886 2) 8773 8808